April 5, 2009 journal, graffiti artists convention in Paris France finally recognized as art. In America an artist can give police ambush closing Shriners Hospital the great potentate the great potentates announced adding it right about what I say but Tom give r its work in the best it's ever work again for gutta my work is due the state now the faugh my fear change a computer out as saying everything attack a lot upset now a lot of ups of the dominant Bellas did you via on-line the bucket and want to give me want to start with on as it knows My pretty one of the it years of abuse With such crooks at the top, this nation will not exist long as we see it coming unraveled. I'm being chased by J.P. Morgan Chase Bank for Credit Cards from Washington Mutural originally Pavidian at 32% interest. They called from India about 25 times today but I do have caller ID. They called all day Saturday & Sunday as if their very life depended on it. All they have to do is to look at the last checks I sent to them to see that the bill is settled. Sure Iran tortures people and because we torture people we cannot condemn Iran for their torturing people can we? Not only do we torture people but we kill unborn babies and this is one reason of believe God is bringing this empire down. One police officer arrested here for abusing his girlfriend, another in Anderson County for dealing in stolen goods. I am reading Kicking the Dragon by Larkin Rose and what a book it is with his masterful vocabulary challenging the phony tax laws and kangaroo tactics of the Internal Revenue. The book is 400 pages long, it is captivating and simply proven by his detail descriptions. This beast of burden will fall apart as will all the abortion clinics of these United States of America. This will be a utopia of destruction I believe and it will be coming sooner than we think. I can only say it like a preacher to prepare to meet the Lord God Almighty. My painting of Mystery Babylon waits to be finished but the turmoil daily occupies my mind. A massive earthquake in Italy killing hundreds with heavy aftershocks rocks the world. April 7, 2009 journal, I traveled the world extensively as a proud American respected and cherished because of the image the world has or did have for all of the United States but since then in a few short years we have become known as an aggressor and torture nation. We were once 90 percent independent in manufacturing and supplied 70 percent of the world's goods but now we are only about 10 percent independent and 70 % dependent. We are built on a pyramid that is crumbling and everyday the stones are tumbling as clay. The giant pongee scheme of AIG makes Bernie Madoff look like a baby in comparison in selling the world hot air instead of something tangible. Wall Street and the entire casino of investing stock market is one big pongee scheme while we slept it has suckered in the wealth of the entire world to save itself. Executives have walked away with millions and have dropped the ball in the laps of the American taxpayers but it will bounce back soon. Flint Michigan is one of many large American cities contemplating isolating and cutting basic services to large blocks of deserted housing they can no longer report to police or provide fire protection and water services. Their tax bases have eroded and they are in big trouble to stay alive. Sure Washington will grow large chunks of money at them but it will be in vain because they are dead carcasses and money will not restore them to life. My predictions remain the same, I have not expected that the new president can save this economy or this nation. One of the most intelligent men alive is Lyndon LaRouche who lives in Virginia and has run for President repeatedly said, "The G 20 proposal must not be approved by Congress or else it will wreck America". This is coming from a lifelong Democrat. I have not known where the one trillion dollars is coming from other than I can guess from the U.S. Money press. Money puts a smile on the world rulers faces always. I did not know it had to be approved by Congress. I would hesitate to fly the flag now and I certainly would not support our troops to kill innocent people in Iraq, Afghanistan or any other country in the world. America has been taken down a super highway of demonic propaganda from the state to the church and it is culminating in total our collapse. Perhaps that is what God has willed in his judgments. I will never forget the penalties due for abortion of 50 million people in the last 35 years. Certainly Franklin Delano Roosevelt started socialism by passing the Social Security bill. George Soros calls for a new currency. Hungarian-born Jewish George Saros sounds off. 13 South Korea companies sue American banks over KIKO derivative contracts. KIKO means kick in and kick out. The complainants claim they were not advised of the risk. April 7, 2009 journal, Oprah Winfrey Show today listed the 4 longevity blue zones in the world as Sardina Island, Italy, Noma Linda, California, Costa Rica and Okinawa, Japan. Sardinia Island off Italy has the highest number of centenarians without television as they keep going herding sheep and drinking to glasses of red wine per day. Of course their wine is natural and not filled with sulfates as America wine is. They all eat the vegetarian. Noma Linda California residents are largely Seventh-Day Adventist with a vegetarian healthy diet and observing the Sabbath on Saturday. as they keep active to at least 100. Goat milk They recommend to stop beating a 80% full and if you do the desert wait 20 minutes. In every case the diet was vegetarian except in Okinawa they eat fish. In most of the world, the prospect of living to age 100 sounds like a mixed blessing. While a long life is generally good, many people worry that it also equals diminished health and mental function. But that isn't so in the "blue zones." In four hot spots around the globe, people live to 100 in great numbers. But it's not only about longevity-they live with strength, vitality and happiness. Residents of the blue zones regularly exercise, tend their gardens, are active members of their communities, eat delicious food and even have sex! To find out what they're doing right-and we're doing wrong-Oprah and Dr. Oz look to Dan Buettner, a freelance writer for National Geographic who spent seven years researching his book The Blue Zones: Lessons for Living Longer from the People Who've Lived the Longest. * Previous * Next I long to continue painting what is burning within me but i am waylaid by so many crisis happening to write about all seemingly taking us closer to the cliff. I may not respond adequately to your commenting about your lack of biblical study. God looks at the heart and not your Biblical study although the Word of God is for our nourishment spiritually as you know. Salvation is by Grace obtained by faith and not by seminary degrees. Was it Stephen that said to the man in the carriage "do you understand what you read?" Understanding the Bible and prophecy comes from divine inspiration. If we love God and obey his commandments, generally the 10 Commandments of Exodus 20, the rest is according to our faith.